As a small charity, we rely on donations from members of the public to continue our work. We accept donations online through PayPal, via bank transfer or cheque. If you would like to donate through another method please contact us.
All donations, even small amounts, really do make a big difference!
Bank transfer
Our preferred method:
Account name: All For Horses
Account number: 53116468
Sort code: 20-75-92
If you wish to donate via PayPal, please click the Donate button below!
We have to pay a fee on PayPal donations so if you can, we'd appreciate it if you paid by bank transfer instead (see above)
If you prefer to send a cheque, please make it payable to All For Horses.
Other ways of supporting us:
If you shop online through most major retailers (including eBay!), shopping through either or gives us a share of the profits (at no extra cost to you). Click here to learn how!
There are lots of other ways to help us - see our How You Can Help page for more info.