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Thank you for an amazing 2019

Thank you to our amazing supporters this past year, including our wonderful staff and volunteers who make it all possible.

We’ve received several donations of money, tack, rugs and food this year, each and every one of which was greatly appreciated and has been a massive help to us and the horses!

Also, a huge thank you to those who have written to support us with our planning application, for which we are very grateful - once the planning matters are resolved (we hope to hear by mid January) we can get on with saving more lives.

Thanks to you, we’ve been able to help more horses this year than ever before, and with your help we can help even more horses in 2020!

We’ve made a few changes to our website this year too, and are pleased to announce that our long-anticipated ‘Sponsor a Pony’ scheme is now up and running – click here to visit our new shop and see the ponies available to sponsor, or to buy any of our horses a gift such as a bag of carrots or bale of hay!

Also, check out our news page to read Felix and Tiny Tim’s story, our two latest arrivals – still only foals, they were abandoned shortly before Christmas, but are now responding well to TLC and are on their way to recovery.

That’s it for this year, thank you once again and we wish you a wonderful 2020!

Cathy, Lou, the All For Horses team, and of course lots of ponies!

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